Thursday, June 9, 2016

An Open Letter To My Son

Precious boy, I'm watching you "sleep in" this morning.  Your sweet little face is calm and peaceful, and the whole house is quiet.  It is almost like it is preparing itself for Hurricane J.  Most people don't get to see this side of you.  They mostly see the grins and giggles and the laughs and loopy play time, and, oh my goodness, the energy. And yes, sometimes all they see are the tantrums and times I cannot figure out what triggered a meltdown in the middle of the store.

If I could bottle that energy up, I would be able to power the universe!  You never seem to run out of it... In fact, you even wiggle in your sleep.   Those little feet and arms and hands never seem to truly get still.

What a blessing you are, sweet boy!  You have taught me to rely on God's still small voice as I pray for you daily.  You have taught me what it means to have my heart beating outside my chest. You have taught me to love unconditionally, all the time.

Never lose that sweet spirit you have inside, little man, that loves babies, animals, justice, and fun. Never let the world harden your heart, even though it will try to.  Go ahead and cry if you want to over puppies, and movies, and disappointments, and joys.  Show the world that a hug and a kiss can make it a better place.  The strongest man is the one who knows how to be gentle.  

Never let anyone dim the sparkle in your eyes when you learn something new, even though we "old folks" like to do that because we have seen it all.    Keep learning and growing.  Forever.

One day, you won't run to mommy and daddy when you learn something new and special. We won't be your best friends anymore.  Cultivate good friends who love God and their parents.  Love them like brothers and sisters, and have their backs.  If they don't have your back,  seriously and prayerfully seek the power to distance yourself from them.  Know you don't HAVE to allow anyone in your life if you aren't comfortable with them or if they don't love you for who you are.

You are special, my beautiful boy.  The world wouldn't be the same without you.  You make this world an amazing place. Your daddy and I wouldn't know what to do without you.

We love you!

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